Friday, May 11, 2012

Update time :)

So...once again, it's been quite a while since I've been able to post on here. And like always, I don't know if anyone reads this, but just in case, I'm providing an explanation for my absence.

Last year (I'm thinking around October/November?) my laptop got several viruses on it and crashed. My sister's boyfriend offered to fix it, and tried, but said he would pretty much have to wipe everything off of it and start over. That was in January. Since then, it's been sitting on my desk all by its lonesome, looking a little pitiful lol. Because I work nights, it's sometimes difficult for me to find the time to do things on a computer that I actually want to do. So obviously going through numerous files/photos and putting the ones I want to keep on a jump drive wasn't exactly at the top of my list. However, I do still have things I have to do at times on a computer. My sister was kind enough (after a bit of pushing, mind you xD) to let me borrow her old laptop. It's pretty much a dinosaur, but I was able to do what I needed to on it.

That worked out most of the time, unless she decided she wanted it to play The Sims on or something, which would always frustrate me. -.- And then it got to where she didn't want me borrowing it without asking her, and then she changed her password and blah blah blah...I'm not going into all of that. But anyway, there was a time for a few weeks that I was just completely without a computer, plus my work schedule was crazy and I wasn't able to do what I needed to do to mine. So then March comes around, and we are redoing our bedrooms, which was an early birthday present from the parents and grandparents. Awesomeness, by the way, because I have an amazing bed. But back to the point. Somehow in all that mess of moving furniture and whatnot. her old laptop ended up in my bedroom. By this time she'd told me what the password was, so I was able to use it. Until a few weeks ago, anyway. That was when the power cord decided to get a short in it and not keep the battery charging, so I could only use it for a few minutes at a time before I'd have to stop working to hold the power cord into the outlet. So frustrating.

But then I got to thinking...I could get a new laptop, just a basic one that wouldn't cost me much, and then I wouldn't have to deal with all of this. And even if my old one was not infected with viruses, it would be about time for a new one anyway, because that one was nearly 4 years old. So I decided to just get a new one, and I'm very glad that I did. :) The one I got is a Compaq (like my old one) Presario CQ57. It's smaller than my old one, which I like, and it has Windows 7, and it's pretty much just awesome. Eventually I will get around to getting those files off of my old one and let my sister's boyfriend fix it, and then I'll just have that one to play The Sims on or whatever. But it's nice that until that time, I have a nice, new laptop to use the Internet, iTunes, YouTube, blog, etc. I'm happy with it. :)

I have several posts planned for the not-too-distant future, including but not limited to: a couple of tags, a few hauls rolled into one post, vacation/beach things, skincare and makeup routines, more pics of my cute dog, and much more! Hope you all are doing wonderfully!

xoxo, Brittany

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