Monday, March 19, 2012

Update/what I've been up to/etc...

Hello hello! I realize it's been over 2 months since I last posted...oops! I'm trying to get myself to where I can post more regularly, about 2-3 times per week, but lately it's been difficult. For one, I was kinda stuck on what to write about, and also my computer STILL being broken doesn't help. But anyway, I've got several ideas for blog posts now, and hoping to get my computer up and running in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I'll just steal/borrow my sister's computer, like I'm doing today. :P

I know in my last post I mentioned doing a post about my ex, but thinking about it now...well, honestly, he doesn't deserve a whole blog post, ha ha. So I'm just going to post here what happened. Basically, I think we got serious too quickly. He'd just got out of a relationship that he'd been in for over a year, and the girl he was with was very mean to him, mentally/emotionally abusive, and just pretty much not a nice girl. He didn't have enough time to get over that break-up before we got together, and felt like he would be bringing me down by talking about it so much. He did talk about it a few times, but I didn't think he was overdoing it or anything...I think he just wasn't as ready for a serious relationship as I was at the time, and used his difficult break-up as an excuse to break up with me, which makes no sense at all, but whatever. I know the right man for me is out there somewhere, and hopefully we find each other soon. :)

Now for something a lot more exciting: I'm going to Florida this summer with my sisters! I know, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but for us it is because it'll be our first time going without our parents. I am SOOOO excited because I absolutely LOVE the beach. I think if it weren't for the hurricanes, I could live there, lol.

And that brings me to my next point, which is this...I've been working a lot more on losing some weight and getting myself fit. Actually, I've started to do just that a few times over the last month, but couldn't stick with it. So today, I started over and I WILL stick with it this time. My main motivation is, of course, being able to buy a bikini for the first time in a few years and actually look hot in it. I plan to get one from Victoria's Secret, because I think they have very nice ones, and when I have the body for it, why not spend a little more money? Especially since I'll be working so hard to look good, ha ha.

So this is what I'm doing to get in shape. First, I've changed my diet quite a bit. For one thing, I'm making healthier choices with my meals, and when all that's available is something unhealthy, I'm eating less of it. This is a basic meal plan for me, though it does vary some.

Breakfast: smoothie made with fruit, plain Greek yogurt, a little bit of protein powder, and water; vanilla Greek yogurt with fruit; granola bar; or cereal. This is pretty much what I usually have for breakfast anyway, but there are times when I get off work in the morning that I think driving through McDonald's or somewhere sounds like a good idea for breakfast, so I'm going to not do that anymore.

Lunch: sandwich on whole grain sandwich thins made with turkey, cheese, olive oil mayo (delicious, by the way!), and mustard; salad (I like to get the pre-made chef salads from Wal-Mart); or something else "healthy." Can't really think of any other options that would be considered "healthy," but sometimes my sister and I like to get sushi, Subway, or Taco Bell for lunch. I know that last one isn't always the best, but they do have healthier options than most fast food places.

Dinner: Whatever is available, ha ha! Sometimes I eat at home, and my sister will cook some kind of chicken dish, or salmon, or steak. Also, sometimes she will go get something, so once again, I'll choose the healthiest option. Sometimes I do go to my parents' house and eat with them, and usually my mom cooks nutritious, delicious meals.

On nights that I work during the week, I usually do eat a small meal around 10:30 or 11 pm. The cafeteria at the hospital I work in has a grill, so usually I get something from there. I'll have an omelette (with ham, cheese and mushrooms) or a grilled sandwich (ham and American cheese or turkey and Swiss). Usually when I get an omelette, that's all I'll eat because they are huge and fill me up. With the sandwiches, though, I'll get a bag of baked Lay's, pretzels, or pita chips.

Drinks: I'm limiting my Cokes to 2 per week. This is probably going to be the hardest for me, because I really enjoy Cokes, but I know I can do it because I have before. I even got to the point where I wasn't drinking Cokes at all. The rest of the time, I'll be drinking mostly water and tea, juice with breakfast if I feel like it, and 1 energy drink a week (at work, because I do get tired). Of course, I love coffee, so when I get to have a "normal" night of sleep (when I'm not working), I have coffee in the morning right after I wake up.

And that's about it for the "diet" part of my get-fit plan. Now for the exercise. I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It is amazing, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get in shape fast. I did this last year and looked pretty good, but did need to lose a bit more weight. When I did it last year, I didn't actually complete the whole thing, but this time I will. I'm doing that on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Wednesday, I'm doing Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown. I love yoga, and this one is really good. I feel like if I did 30 Day Shred straight through 5 days a week, I would get frustrated with it and quit, so that's why I'm putting the yoga kind of right in the middle. On Sunday I'm taking a rest day, and I will take my dogs for a 15-30 minute walk around my apartment complex, depending on the weather. Since it's spring now, it feels so nice outside, and my dogs need a bit of exercise too sometimes, lol. Plus, they love walking around outside just as much as I do. :)

I've got more posts coming up in the next couple of weeks! Tomorrow or the next day, I'll be posting my first haul, and when all of the things I ordered online come in (from Sephora, LUSH, and Sigma) I'll post an online haul. I've also got a skin care routine, hair routine, AM and PM routines, and an everyday make-up look planned. Like always, I don't know if anyone actually reads my blog, but if you do, leave me a comment or tweet me to let me know.

Be back soon! xoxo, Brittany

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