Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blah...so tired!

Last night at work was one of those nights where I had to remind myself that I chose nursing as my profession to help people, and for nothing else. I really don't like nights like that. I like it much better when I go in to work, have a decent group of patients, and don't stay too busy all night. This was not the case. I walked in to work and had one patient that had just arrived, one that was about to leave, and another on the way. Aah! I seriously wanted to scream and cry and pull my hair out or something. And it's not that my group of patients was bad...they were all really sweet people. It's just the fact of the quick turnover like that, right at shift change, that gets me. Anyway, despite all of this, I ended up having a fairly good night after the craziness of admissions died down.

Also, on a semi-related note...I do believe that I mentioned in my "Intro" post that one of the things I dislike is having to spend all my hard-earned money paying bills. Well, this is why. I got paid last weekend, and this morning when I checked my mail, there were 3 bills in there, two of which are my responsibility to pay. Yes, one of them is my credit card bill and doesn't really count, but still. I just would like, for once, to be able to keep my whole paycheck and go spend it on some new clothes and make-up or something. But sadly, I am an "adult" or something like that, and I have things that have to be done to live the kind of life I like to live, and that includes paying for electricity.

Speaking of paying for things...in 2-3 weeks I will be buying my first brand-new car!!! YAY I'm sooo excited! It's a Nissan Versa, and I'm getting it in Arctic Blue. I would post a picture, but the ones online don't do it justice, so I'll wait until I can post a picture of my actual car. :)

Well, that's all for today. I'm going to finish my delicious, nutritious breakfast of orange juice and oatmeal (okay, so the oatmeal is maple and brown sugar flavored and I put a little bit of butter in it...but it's still good for me right? :P). While I do that, I'm gonna browse around on Beautylish and probably watch some videos, then do whatever else online for a bit, and then go take a shower and go to bed! Have a wonderful day. :)

xoxo, Brittany

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